
The crossword as we know it is over 100 years old – the first was published in 'New York World' newspaper in December 1913. Originally named word-cross, a printing error meant the words were transposed resulting in the new name crossword.

Crosswords are solved by filling a grid with words based on clues provided. Various twists on the concept have been seen over the years – with Skeleton and Cryptics being the most popular of these. However, the original format remains one of the most played puzzles of today.
Like crosswords?
There are a number of variations of the traditional crossword that you should try if you haven’t already (Skeleton and Cryptic), and there’s a good chance you’ll like Pieceword, Backwards, arroword and codeword too!

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Online Crossword

Like to play your puzzles online? We have a huge selection you can play right now in your web browser!

Crossword Apps

Our Crossword Puzzler app is perfect for crossword fans. Fans of cryptics will love Cryptic Crosswords Puzzler. Or, if you fancy something different, check out Piecewords Puzzler and Backwords Puzzler.

Crossword Magazines on Subscription

As one of our most popular puzzles, crosswords feature in many Puzzler magazines besides being the star of a number of dedicated titles.

Crossword Books, Printables and Other Products

We have a huge range of crossword products to satisfy your puzzle hunger. Choose from books, printables and more – we have it all!